Germany is often seen as the heart of Europe due to its deep history. It’s most well known for its bratwursts and beer, but the country is so much more than that. Berlin has Museum Island; in Bavaria, you can find the most amazing castles; you can ski in the Alps during the winter months, and you can explore skyscrapers in Frankfurt.

Plus it’s one of the safest countries in Europe and a large part of the population speaks English, making your travels easy and stress-free! Whether you’re looking to eat and drink your way around the country or you want to immerse yourself amongst churches, castles, or museums galore, Germany has something for every traveler out there.


TThe best time to visit Germany is during the spring or fall months, specifically May or October. The spring is often met with moderate temperatures, and rain showers, but fewer crowds.

Summer is peak season and locals rejoice as the weather finally warms up, and the sunshine arrives. Pack light clothing and expect large crowds if you visit during the summer months. Fall welcomes the cool down from the summer and begins the changing of the leaves.

As for festivals, Oktoberfest takes place from late September to early October, and the famous Christmas markets begin at the end of November through the New Year!
